Display JSON data in HTML table using JavaScript
Hello everyone, in this article we are going to fetch data from a JSON file, and we are going to display them in an HTML table with JavaScript.
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Display JSON data in HTML table using JavaScript
Hello everyone, in this article we are going to fetch data from a JSON file, and we are going to display them in an HTML table with JavaScript.
How to display error message in html form with javascript
In this tutorial we are going to see how to display form errors under every input field with javascript. We are gonna have a register form, and we are going to validate every field to check its value. If the field is empty we are going to show an error message under the empty field.
How to add remove input fields dynamically using javascript
In this tutorial we are going to see how to create, and remove, dynamically input form elements using javascript. Check out the live demo, and get the free source code.
How to get the values from a form with JavaScript
In this tutorial we are going to see how to get the values from an input field, a textarea, a select dropdown menu, from radio buttons, and checkboxes, and store them in a javascript object. Try out the live demo.
Coding a secure login system with php and mysql
Learn how to create a secure login system using PHP and MySQL. This comprehensive tutorial covers the development of key features, including user registration, login, forgot password functionality, and account management.
Register and login application with php and json
In this tutorial we are going to put together a register and login application. But instead of registering the user in a database, we are going to put his username and password in a JSON file
How to display JSON data in a dynamic HTML table with PHP
In this article, we are going to fetch the data from a JSON file, and we are going to put them inside a dynamic HTML table with PHP. And as most of the time you can download the free source code.
How to send a javascript object to php
In this tutorial we are gonna see two examples on how to send a javascript object to a php file. In the first example we are going to use the Fetch API, and in the second example we are going to use the XMLHttpRequest object.
Using php Ajax and a dropdown select menu to filter database data
In this tutorial we are going to use a select menu, to filter items displayed in the screen. In web development terms this is a full stack tutorial. That means that we are gonna use html, css, javascript, Ajax, php, and mysql to create this little app.
How to display form errors with php
In this tutorial we are going to see how to display form errors under every input field with php. We are going to have a simple validation, checking for empty fields. If a field is empty we are going to display an error message under it. If both fields have values then we are going to show a success message.
Display array data in HTML elements using PHP
In this article we are going to use the 'foreach' PHP function to loop through arrays and display their data inside HTML elements.
How to get the current URL and filename using PHP
In this article we are going to fetch the current URL and filename to load a specific stylesheet to a specific page using PHP.
How to loop over arrays and objects in JavaScript
In this article i am going to show you how to use the for...of, the for...in, and the forEach methods to loop through arrays and objects.
Send HTTP GET Request Using the Fetch API
In this tutorial I will try to explain as simply as possible how to send a GET request using the fetch method. I am going to show you a few examples. First on how to fetch the data from a JSON file, and second how to fetch data from a PHP file.
Understanding the Basics of HTML Login Forms
In today's article I am going to explain the anatomy of a simple HTML login form. I am going to show you the basic elements that make's up a login form, and how to catch the submitted data first with PHP, and then with JavaScript.
Basic html and css page grid layout example
In this article we will see how to use the CSS Grid system and its properties to structure a basic website layout. We are going to start with a basic two columns layout example, and we are going to build from there a whole website that includes a navigation, a header, a sidebar, a main content section, and a footer.
Get selected value and text from a select menu using JavaScript
In this tutorial I am going to show you how to access the selected option value, and text, from a drop down select menu using JavaScript.
How to Create a Database Insert Update Delete Data Using PHP and MySQL
Learn the basics on how to crate databases and tables, how to insert, delete, and update data in a database using PHP and MySQL
Upload Display and delete images from the server and the database using PHP
In this tutorial you'll learn how to upload images to the server, store their information in a database, retrieve and display them on a web page, and finally, how to implement functionality to delete images when necessary.
Drag and Drop Image Files With Preview Using JavaScript
An easy and well explained tutorial on how to drag and drop image files and creating an instant preview using javascript and the Drag and Drop API
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